Use your time wisely

Due to the global pandemic, lots of you have to stay home from work and from our weekly meetings. Also, our social life is restricted and most of us can’t meet friends from our congregations. We are already some weeks into this situation and we might have been motivated at the beginning. But, and I am including myself, sometimes we can feel unmotivated and have difficulties getting stuff done. This is totally normal in this situation but we can get new inspiration to use your time wisely. What can we do to concentrate on spiritual and positive things?

Personal Study & Bible Reading

01. Read the Entire Bible
Many of us already have yearly Bible reading plans, but if you have not, then now is the time to start at the very beginning. There is also a very useful Bible Reading Schedule on

02. Memorial Bible Reading
I suppose you all managed to finish your Memorial Bible reading but just in case you didn’t have the opportunity, you can catch up using my free Memorial Bible Reading Schedule.

03. Start a New Study Project
I used to hate studying as a child but now I love my study projects. Sometimes I am getting lost in research for a new project and somehow they never get finished because I keep finding interesting materials. I just published my beta version of a study planner and you can download it for free.

04. Bible Reading with Color Coding
Did you see the new update of the JW Library that came with two new highlight colors? This is the perfect time to set up a color-coding system for highlighting during study and Bible reading. Use my free color coding card to use digitally or printed.

05. Organize Notes in JW Library
In case you are using the Personal Study section in our JW Library App than you have the time now to re-organize all your notes and tags. Add new tags for your service and revisits or your studies.

06. Use Planners
Re-think the way you prepare for our weekly meetings or assemblies. Make notes or use planners. Either digitally or on paper. There are a lot of beautiful notebooks you can use for your preparation. Or use premade planners like my Weekly Meeting Planner. New planners and notebooks for the upcoming conventions will be available soon!

07. Learn a New Language
You can learn any language you want with the amazing JW Language App. I can’t tell you how much I am thankful for this amazing app. We are currently serving in a foreign language and this app has helped me not only to learn vocabulary but also how to preach in a new language. You can also download Bible translations in different languages and compare any verses in different languages.

Public Preaching Alternatives

08. Letter Writing
In most parts of the world public preaching is not possible at the moment. There are a lot of alternatives, but classic letter writing is an amazing opportunity. A lot of people really appreciate it when someone takes the time to write a personal letter. Our sister Nancy created a very useful letter writing stationery you can download for free.

09. WhatsApp
Just browse through your WhatsApp contacts and write one person per day with some positive thoughts from the Bible. Think about what Bible text could be appealing to this person and ask if you can send some other positive thoughts the next time. Also, you can send links to articles from or the link to the special talk video.

10. Thank-You Notes for Public Servants
Write little notes on cards where you thank public servants like policemen, nurses or people who work in supermarkets for their outstanding service in this difficult time. Add a positive thought from the Bible. Take the notes with you when you go out shopping.

11. Invite to Zoom Meetings
Try to invite one new interested person per week to our weekly Zoom meetings. A lot of people are surprised how well organized our meetings are in these chaotic times. This may be a reason they start coming to the meetings

Social Interaction

12. Call Your Friends & Family
Call your friends and family and brothers and sisters from your congregation every day to keep in touch. You can plan daily online coffee meets via Zoom. Or, even better send them a handwritten letter!

13. Help Others
E.g. shop for elderly neighbors. You don’t have to have direct contact, just write them a note if they need anything and leave it in front of their door. Most elderly people are afraid to go outside now. Look at the adorable downloadable contact card over at Bliss and Tell Creative.

More Ideas

You have done everything from the list to keep a good spiritual routine? Check my other list with 30+ ideas what you could do in your free time during isolation. Also, if you have more ideas for this list, just let me know, I would be happy to share them!

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